القائمة الرئيسية


أخبار الاخبار[LastPost]

امتحان على الوحد السابعة الدرس الثاني كونكت 6 الترم الثاني

 امتحان على الوحد السابعة الدرس الثاني كونكت 6 الترم الثاني


نبدأ بشرح بعض القواعد 

يدل الماضي البسيط علي فعل حدث في الماضي وانتهي
She visited Cairo last month.
When I was young, I went to Alexandria
3- Negative: didn't + المصدر
They went to Assiut last month. They didn't go to Assiut last month.
4- Questions: الأسئلة
اداه الاستفهام did + + تكمله السؤال + المصدر + فاعل ؟ What did you study yesterday?
5- Yes/No questions:
Did + تكمله السؤال + المصدر + فاعل ؟
Did you visit Cairo last week? Yes, I did. No, I didn't
: الكلمات الداله
Key words
Yesterday - last-ago-once- one day in (1999)-in the past in the old days - in the ancient times this (morning, evening
الفعل بمعني يكون في الماضي
Was / were
Mariam was frightened of the cave.
I was not (wasn't) frightened of the cave.
There were camels in the desert.
There were not (weren't) any cars on the beach.
Important Notes
وانا كذلك تاتى فى حالة الاثبات عند الرد So did I
I like football.
So do I
I played football yesterday.
Language Focus
So did I

ابدأ الامتحان

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